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The agTechData System

What we're about!

AgTechData’s system is a data capture solution that facilitates the creation, capture, and merging of data from various sources. Its primary objective is to serve as a resource to existing agricultural solutions and assist government agencies in collecting valid data without adding extra work to the agricultural community.

The system is not limited to the meat/livestock industry but also extends to other agriculture sectors that require specific data to enhance their operations. This ensures that trustworthy and usable data is accessible to the government, customers, and businesses, instilling confidence in the industry.

The Transport system is designed to offer a simple way for Transport to communicate with Producers. The system has been designed to work with Transport Organisations and help simplify aspects of Transportation including

* This Transport functionality requires a paid Account
Check which Stockyards are using the agTechData Stockyard component

Questions Engine

Agtechdata has created a solution that captures auditable indicators and data to provide valuable insights for businesses to improve or identify issues. Using a proprietary, multi-purpose question engine, the system can be customised to meet the specific needs of any agriculture or produce-based business

Built for any size Organisation

The system has been designed to cater for sole traders right up to multi-sites under multiple organisations providing both data collection and Livestock traceability for large National businesses.

Statutory Forms

The agTechData system is suitable for auditing purposes and can integrate with industry-specific QA systems such as LPA Biosecurity Audit or NFAS Quality Assurance. QA businesses can customize audit systems for various agricultural businesses, including cattle, sheep, aquaculture, and fodder, replacing any paper-based forms currently in use.

Other Forms

iDec, developed by agTechData, offers a range of forms that can be integrated with Declaration forms, allowing the collection of data from various sources. This feature ensures that all data is available for review during audits. The available forms include Work Health and Safety, Staff Inductions, Animal Traceability, Health Declarations, and Chemical Application and Safety.

Integrate with other Systems

AgTechData has collaborated with various third-party organizations to enable the exchange of crucial information between systems. The API (Application Programming Interface) built into the system is specifically designed to integrate with other third-party systems in the National Vendor Declaration (NVD) chain, such as transport companies, stock agents, abattoirs, feedlots, and stockyards.

Offline Form Sharing

The agTechData solution was created with a "paperless" approach in mind, whether it is being used online or offline. The system incorporates a unique QR code solution that enables the transfer of an entire Declaration even in offline scenarios.

3rd Party Snippets

Additionally, the system allows 3rd parties such as Transport Authorities to be given a snippet of information for any declaration directly to their smartphone.

Task Allocation

No cost for 3rd Parties who are sent Tasks Can service multiple Accounts in a single Account

The agTechData System

A Simple Solution

The traditional paperwork process is eliminated with the agTechData system. Users can track stock offloaded to transport companies, automatically count the number of cattle and note their condition, simplifying the process for producers, stock agents, abattoirs, transport, and more. This process has traditionally been done on paper, but our solution offers the added value of offline functionality, making it a valuable tool for agricultural businesses in Australia.

Our Objective

How can we help!


Aggregate Details

The agTechData system is designed to streamline the document gathering process required for industry audits such as the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) or National Livestock Health Declarations. The system allows for the creation of Audit Sets, which are tailored to the specific requirements of each certification audit. Our interactive Dashboards provide auditors with the ability to easily navigate and review relevant information, ensuring a smooth and efficient audit process.

National Livestock Identification System

MSA -> Meat Standards Australia

National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme for Cattle

National Health Declaration

Licensed by Integrity Systems

agTechData’s system provides a full interface to Integrity Systems NLIS

agTechData offers bespoke Dashboards so that information can be viewed in a more meaningful way. 

The system has been designed to work with 3rd parties who operate businesses within the process chain like Stockyards, Abattoirs, Stock Agents and Feedlots


Big Data affects every business in the world. AgTechData believes data is paramount in improving any aspect of Agriculture from the small producer to large corporations. Good data can:

Enquire Today

Get in touch to discuss how the system works. 

Register to use iDec

The first 100 people to register will get access to the iDec solution for 2 months at no cost.