The System’s Features

agTechData have created an app that integrates all systems and communications in one simple place. It features new security features to ensure the safety of your data and stock.

Data Sharing

agTechData’s API is a software interface that provides a service to other software applications. This allows external third-party developers, business partners, and internal departments within a company to access the data and functionality of our system. Our system has a complete set of interfaces that enable 3rd parties to securely extract data using standard system interfaces.

Cyber Security

Data sharing with Transport, Abattoirs, Stockyards and Feedlots

The iDec Solution has been developed to work with systems within Stockyards, Abattoirs and Feedlots. In conjunction with Transport agents the system provides a simple “check-in” solution where the entire electronic Waybill data can be transferred to other businesses within the Livestock life cycle. This interface of data removes the need for any data to be re-entered.

Replace any Form within your business

The iDecData system is equipped with various educational resources to assist users in setting up and utilizing the system. These resources include guides that provide a step-by-step walkthrough of each function in the system. Additionally, users can stay in touch with our support team through our written support solution, or they can schedule online face-to-face meetings with a member of our support team for more personalized assistance.

What makes us unique!


Capturing of Data

Capturing of data is completely irrelevant unless:


Intention of the System

Register Today

Get in touch to discuss how the system has an open interface that allows any information to be shared with existing farming systems where data collected can be mapped to existing Solutions.
Register to use iDec

The first 100 people to register will get access to the iDec solution for 2 months at no cost.